MovieChat Forums > The Godfather (1972) Discussion > Which version or streaming service has t...

Which version or streaming service has the best quality version

I have recently gotten a new tv so i wanted to finally break out the trilogy and watch them for the first time. However i have had this dvd collection for many years. Im not entirely sure when i bought this but its atleast 6+ years ago, so im not aware if there is actually a better alternative to enjoy these movies for the first time? The dvd collection i have literally looks like a vhs or tv version in quality.

This is the dvd collection i have which is on 4 very slim dvd cases inside the collection (3 movies+1 bonus thingy) :

I have put the first movie into my player and it looks like almost a early dvd or even VHS release where its kind of fuzzy. Is the movie just outdated and looks like that or is there actually a really good version of the movie out there that looks more modern ? I have put it on hold for now as im kind of gutted if i have to experience these movies in this quality. Its a normal dvd collection, since im not from the US im kind of unaware if this is just a bad version/collection i have that got released many years ago. It definitely looks like the one from the link.

If there is a streaming service i need to sign up for that has a better quality version of them running or buy a new collection/version i would rather do that, while this still looks watchable im a bit dissapointed on the quality.


The best quality version I've seen, and I have not seen them all, is this relatively new telecast of HBO's called "Epic"
I'm not sure if it's available yet on disk, but eventually it probably will be.
Check Around by typing the specifics in your search box, it might take a little bit of sifting through some reviews and blogs etc.
sorry I can't be more help.
