Which version or streaming service has the best quality version
I have recently gotten a new tv so i wanted to finally break out the trilogy and watch them for the first time. However i have had this dvd collection for many years. Im not entirely sure when i bought this but its atleast 6+ years ago, so im not aware if there is actually a better alternative to enjoy these movies for the first time? The dvd collection i have literally looks like a vhs or tv version in quality.
This is the dvd collection i have which is on 4 very slim dvd cases inside the collection (3 movies+1 bonus thingy) :
I have put the first movie into my player and it looks like almost a early dvd or even VHS release where its kind of fuzzy. Is the movie just outdated and looks like that or is there actually a really good version of the movie out there that looks more modern ? I have put it on hold for now as im kind of gutted if i have to experience these movies in this quality. Its a normal dvd collection, since im not from the US im kind of unaware if this is just a bad version/collection i have that got released many years ago. It definitely looks like the one from the link.
If there is a streaming service i need to sign up for that has a better quality version of them running or buy a new collection/version i would rather do that, while this still looks watchable im a bit dissapointed on the quality.