
Did you bother to read the Snopes debunking?

The people who created this fantasy have admitted to their deeds.

Snopes debunked "Go Ask Alice" ages ago:



Go Ask Alice was the product of Beatrice Sparks, an author who has come out with a number of "teens who saw their lives ruined by their bad choices" offerings, each one presented as a true story, often in the form of a diary of an anonymous teen

The precise authorship of Go Ask Alice is still a bit of a mystery. Beatrice Sparks is presented as its editor rather than its author, and one tantalizing mention in a 1998 New York Times book review indicates the book might have been the work of several people:

Linda Glovach, since exposed as one of the "preparers" — let's call them forgers — of Go Ask Alice, has just written Beauty Queen, about a girl who flees her alcoholic mother, becomes a stripper and dies of heroin addiction.

Our best guess is that a number of folks work at churning out these cautionary tales, which are then presented to an overly accepting public as real diaries of anonymous teens. Yet on the question of authorship, one thing is startlingly clear: whoever wrote the Go Ask Alice "diary" was not a 15-year-old girl.


People have debated whether "Alice" was a real person and if the "diary" is real. The story was that her parents found the diary after she died and had it published in hopes that it would prevent other teens (people) from following in her footsteps.

The fact is that whether she is a real person or not, she represents all the "Alices" out there. There is not just one REAL Alice, but there have been millions of them over the years.

Whether she lived in the 1800's and took "nerve medicine" (opiates) or the early part of the 1900's and used alcohol, or the last 1/2 and used pot, acid, heroin, valium, prozac, coke or whatever... there have always been drugs and always been "Alices" taking them.

Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff.


Who cares if its real or not? It's a good story, and that kind of stuff really happens. I wish I still thought it was real, it made it cooler.



It's not a real diary, there was no Alice.
It's all bull.




The diary itself is probably fake, but things LIKE it have happened, which makes it no less disrespectful in my opinion.


R.I.P Lee Remick

AIM: RandomnessAbsurd

