Re-make script

I've read a lot of posts about the fact that there should be a re-make because the movie simply sucks...

Now I'm applying to the Film and TV acadamy in Amsterdam for next year. To the direction of script writing. Now with your application you have to send in some work you've already written. Now 1 of the things I am working on is the script for Go Ask Alice.
Now it's in dutch so only Flemish or Dutch people would be able to really help me with it (Dusss... als je Nederlands bent en dit boek helemaal goed vind, help me alsjeblieft)
But if you're not dutch but you're willing to help me, please add me on MSN so I can pick your brain on what you think should be in the film, what shouldn't... etc etc...

About 30 ppl apply and 6 can get on. If I do get on this school and I graduate, there's a big chance I'll be filming this script one day... And that's what you guys want right :p

So, if you want to help me... [email protected]

2008 brings: Moordwijven!
