MovieChat Forums > Go Ask Alice (1973) Discussion > Drugs are not the problem.

Drugs are not the problem.

I just watched "Alice" not having seen it since it originally broadcasted on ABC in the 70's. I really made me laugh. This girl was so self consious and so into how things "Shoud Be" that I'm surprised she wasn't drinking at 6 years old. Just about everyone dooes some kind of drug or has at least tried one. It seems to me that drugs or drug taking is a symptom, not a problem. A symptom of other area's in a person's life that is out of whack or possibly physical like bi-polor disorder. People who are Bi-Polor or Adult ADD turn to drugs with an obsession because it makes them feel normal. I think the attraction to Alice is the Drama. This poor girl was killed by drugs ... *beep* These are the same people who think the mutual suicide in Romeo and Julliet is Beautiful. Alice has been proven a fraud. There was no waivers or signed releases for additional parties when sold to ABC meaning it was sold as a fictional book. I personally think the book (which I did read) was entirly fictional and doesn't really shed any light on a drug problem except to say that drugs are bad. What is needed is a book or movie showing why people would choose drugs (or alcohol) over life. If we simply got addicted to everything that made us feel good ... we'd all be addicts. Get Real!

Macklin Crew


We ARE all addicts.....of one thing or another when you really start to think about it.
I should rephrase that, MOST of us are addicts of one thing or another. Very few of us lead lives of moderation and balance and for those that do, my hat goes off to them.
