I am watching clips of this on YouTube and while it looks good and is fairly well-made, it screams 1970s! It could definitely use a remake. If they were to remake it, it should be remade for the big screen and should be rated R or at least a strong PG-13. It would also be more like the book. I would cast:
Dakota Fanning--as Alice because I know she would have the acting chops to pull it off.
i agree, I really want a remake. Something that is not from the 70's. I like the clips but I need something mroe modern, and easy to connect with. I think Dakota Fanning is too young to play it, and her personality doesn't really fit Alice, but she could probably do a decent job.
Dakota Fanning is 14. She's the perfect age, especially if the movie was made when she was say, 15 or 16. I hate it when teenagers are played by 24 year olds, and getting actresses close to the actual ages of their characters worked in "Thirteen".
it cant be modern. it takes place during the acid wave. thats a big part of the book. not only that but she does acid in it a lot. acid isn't exactly a popular thing for a typical girl just to get roped into by a "normal" social surrounding at least now a days.
I agree that it could use a remake. I watched the original and scenes that were described so thoroughly in the dream like Alice's acid trip and seeing her dead grandfather weren't in the film. If it's put in the right director's hands, it could be a really graphic yet excellent drug movie. I can picture a remake showing Alice's drug hallucinations really detailed.
I saw it when it first came out in the 70's and I'm biased for sure -- no REMAKE! 70's Made for TV movies were great -- lots of camp appeal. People today are just too jaded and seen it all for it to work now. Just my opinion though.
Other great Made for TV movies in the 70's: Boy in the Plastic Bubble, Something Evil, Crowhaven Farm, Bad Ronald, Trilogy of Terror, Night Stalker ...
1970's a great decade to be a kid in front of the TV!
Please.. No remake. It would be have to be made tawdry and sleazy by todays standards. Just leave it be please. Remakes invariably suck big time. This film is a curiosity from a time gone by.. The times and the attitudes of that time couldn't be recreated today.
I was 12 and remember watching the original broadcast in 1973. I liked this movie a lot I remember watching it with my older sister it was pretty hard hitting for the time. And no I don't want it REMADE. Maybe they can show it again as I never see it on TV anymore.
I love both but in short I doubt either one would even consider wasting their time on a movie like this. Both are, at this point, pretty well sought after film makers and Fincher is already tied up with the Millenium shizznizzle so if he even THOUGHT about making it you wouldn't be hearing about it for another good 5 plus years. Aronofsky makes very good but depressing movies. I would love to see him make it but it's really more of a teenaged-aimed movie. He really likes to push boundries and if he did we would be seeing an X rated one. Which I don't disagree with but considering the book is aimed at tween/teenagers (as much as now that I'm older I still like the book just as much as I did when I was younger) it would never happen unless it's an indie movie. In which case no one would hear about it because you know how that all goes over... Tbh I see Catherine Hardwicke, cringe-inducingly, making this and that *beep* KILLS me. That hoe isn't skilled enough to be in the presence of a movie camera much less behind one! Bottom line; I LOVE both Fincher and Aronofsky. Behind Kubrick they're my absolute favorite directors and I didn't necessarily mean it'd be a waste to make this film, for them, more or less it's something I think both of them have heavily strayed away from. When you can make anything, and I mean both of them could literally make ANY film, in this entire world; what would make them choose one like this? Aronofsky, imo, out of both of them would be the one to do it. He made those anti-meth ads not too long ago. But it's a dream. I can see him being quite sick of doing heavily drug laced films.
Yeah man, I agree for the most part...but if the producers/director were to include the most important parts of the book, naturally they'd have to include the San Francisco heroin-induced rape of "Alice" and her friend by the boss lady and her guy friend...thus automatically making it an R-rated film.
I think if it were remade, it should be a remake that's aimed towards the past 2 or 3 generations that grew up with the book, not aimed towards tweens or teens necessarily at all. A 17+ target audience. And most likely it would indeed be an indie film, but then again Universal did make Fear and Loathing possible...
And yeah haha, I also fear Catherine Hardwicke would try to step in and make this a period THIRTEEN piece or something even more ridiculous, although she did do a good job with Lords of Dogtown...
I don't know, maybe when I'm done with film school I'll make the damn thing myself..
Lords of Dogtown was mehh. It was decent but ohmygawd Twilight. You know I actually didn't really MIND the second movie, whatever it's called, but Twilight was so awful. And it's not like JUST the story; it was all her direction and what not. Listening to the commentary on some of her movies is like ramming your head into a wall over and over again. Good luck to you, man. I've thought about film school but the likelihood of my life going anywhere in it is...slim, innit?