Mackenzie Phillips First Movie - How Ironic
One of the main themes of the movie is that the druggies won't leave "Alice" (or whatever her name is supposed to be), alone, keep trying to get her high again or even onto harder stuff. When I was in high school (back then) you had the highs and the straights.
The highs didn't care whether you wanted to get high or not - they were an affable bunch. No way would they shun you or try to slip you something.
The straights were disdainful of the highs who didn't appear to want to do anything except get high, but they didn't actually pick fights with the highs - mostly just ignored them.
I thought it was very ironic that this was Laurie's (that's what her friends call her - that or Mac) first role. Here we are, 40 years later, still reading news stories about her getting busted for drugs.