*shrug* I've never seen any connection between the two. Maybe No Country For Old Men reminds you of this movie because NCFOM had that kind of "70's feel" to it. I was 4 years old when The Getaway came out, but I saw it sometime later during the 70s several times; it was a favorite movie of my dad's & mine. Then I saw NCFOM when it came out, and I liked it because it had that 70s feel even though it took place in present. It reminded me of a LOT of cool action movies like that from the 70s, movies they just don't make all that often anymore, but I did not specifically think of The Getaway anytime I watched NCFOM. So maybe you're just feeling the 70s "vibe" of NCFOM and this is the only movie you relate to it. There are plenty movies of people on the lam with a big ol' bag o' money, so The Getaway isn't at all unique in that aspect.
Plus, I get the feeling that Llewelyn Moss, the character played by Josh Brolin, was a much kinder type of guy than Doc. Llewelyn could have truly had a clean getaway if he just wouldn't have gone back to check on the shot guy in the truck. He had a conscience; not that Doc didn't, but hell, he was a hardened ex-con who'd been in jail for bank robbing. Llewelyn Moss was just this down-and-out broke dude. Doc had to have more of a meanstreak in him just for having done time.
Besides, who wouldn't go mad, working in that textile mill with all the machines screaming day in, day out?!
I can't understand your crazy moon language.