Was Luke gay?

It's not made explicit, but it is plausible.

Luke gives the kid a ride back to the camp. He sticks up for him when they kill the trappers. He looks distinctly nonplussed when he goes to the whore. He is the first to turn back when the kid stays with the settlers.


I tottaly disagree!

You know what means sympathy, admiration, friendship, empathy?
Perhaps he "see's him" when he was a kid, he was more conected wih him than the others.
Now, you cannot say that he mighty be a gay, sorry!!

Btw, good western!

ps. sorry for my english.


I have to agree with Lynchs--in spite of the english.

Luke was a hard-boiled, hard-nose cowboy; tough and mean as they come. But he wasn't downright rotten like Russ or Dixie. He quietly kept his own sense of what was right, and stuck up for the underdog when that was the thing to do. Homosexual overtones weren't written into this movie, unless it was the trappers oggling ben when he was taking a dump, or the cook mentioning he wished "Little Mary" was a girl.

Btw, it was a DAMN good western!


I don't believe at all that Luke was gay.

Watch the scene right before the kid gets on Luke’s horse. Russ asks the kid, “Well? Did you walk here?” and the kid tells him he lost his horse. Russ then looks at Luke as if to say, “I’m not giving him a ride.” Since the rest of the group has already moved out, Luke then signals to the kid to get on his horse.

As for Luke sticking up for the kid when they kill the trappers, I believe Luke sees the kid as the “innocent” that he really is. This is even more apparent to me in the scene where the kid tells the stuttering bartender to “pour!” Luke looks up surprised (as much as Luke can look surprised, since he was a very stoic character) and watches the kid’s reaction as he takes a sip of liquor.

Finally, the scene where Luke turns back to look at the kid after he decided to stay with the settlers. Shortly afterwards, Luke turns his horse around and the look on his face to me says “the kid will never survive Pierce’s onslaught.” The other drovers upon seeing Luke turn around, realize this, too, and proceed to gather guns for the expected fight.

This is the most realistic depiction of a cattle drive that I’ve seen on film. An excellent movie and character study of an idealistic young man.


I doubt it.

Of the four "replacements" that joined the drive, he was by far the most dangerous, i.e. skilled with gun and knife and he knew it. So, unlike his three associates, he didn't need to prove that he was tough, which made it easy for him to lend somebody a hand without fearing embarrassment.

He was also the fastest thinker, wasn't he? In that saloon scene, how fast does his mind click into gear?


Homosexuals push their tired agenda 24-7.

Even on movie discussions threads like this.


Wingnuts push their tired agenda 24-7, even on movie discussions threads like this. How is any post in this thread pushing an agenda other than yours? My guess is that you probably are a closeted gay and your mind has snapped because you haven't learned to deal with your homosexuality in a healthy fashion. Unless you learn to deal with you gayness and your wingnuttyness the rest of your life will be nothing but delusion, pain, and suffering. I suggest you start your journey to health by seeing Brokeback Mountain. That's actually about Gay Cowboys like yourself, which this movie isn't.



Hey, BoPeep. Your sheep are in the meadow. Go blow or suck your horn, whichever you do best.






And furthermore folks if indeed Luke was gay, something tells me that "Poofter bashing" was not something he needed to be duly worried about


I just watched the movie this evening. I didn't see it at all. I agree with one of the above posters, that Luke was tough, but not rotten. Maybe he saw the innocence in Ben that he had lost long ago.

This movie is definitely underrated, in my opinion.


No.I am 82 years old and cowboyed all my life with hundreds of guys.Never even heard of it.


Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)

Well, there's many a strange impulse out on the plains of West Texas.
There's many a young boy who feels things he can't comprehend.
And a small town don't like it when somebody falls between sexes.
No, a small town don't like it when a cowboy has feelings for men.

And I believe to my soul that inside every man there's the feminine.
And inside every lady there's a deep manly voice loud and clear.
Well, a cowboy may brag about things that he's done with his women.
But the ones who brag loudest are the ones that are most likely queer.

Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other.
Say, what do you think all them saddles and boots was about?
And there's many a cowboy who don't understand the way that he feels for his brother.
And inside every cowboy there's a lady that'd love to slip out.

And there's always somebody who says what the others just whisper.
And mostly that someone's the first one to get shot down dead.
So when you talk to a cowboy don't treat him like he was a sister.
You can't *beep* with a lady that's sleepin' in each cowboy's head.

Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other.
What did you think all them saddles and boots was about?
And there's many a cowboy who don't understand the way that he feels for his brother.
And inside every lady there's a cowboy who wants to come out.
And inside every cowboy there's a lady that'd love to slip out.

The church may shout but Darwin roars
