MovieChat Forums > The Cowboys (1972) Discussion > 'Long Hair's' Music, or, Love Theme of A...

'Long Hair's' Music, or, Love Theme of Asa Watts

I am a huge fan of the movie, and watched it again last night with my 15 year old son to help honor the passing of Roscoe Lee Brown. My son asked a prescient question, to which I had no answer: What instrument is used to make the resonant, melancholy music that marks the appearances of Long Hair?

Any help would be appreciated.


Unfortunately, the title to which you refer does not appear on the song list for this CD. If you listen to the tracks that are there, maybe some bars from the tune are there.

John Williams uses French Horn solos a lot.

"Dadoo4050: and who, disguised as a mild-mannered schoolteacher. . ."


I caught the last 45 minutes or so Friday night when it aired on TCM. I only heard the bit I think you are referring to one time, but I am pretty sure the instrument in question is an extremely low-tuned harmonica. I know Hohner makes harmonicas in many keys and configurations, and my "Low G Marine Band" approaches the low sounds heard here.

"Dadoo4050: and who, disguised as a mild-mannered schoolteacher. . ."


That John Williams...always has to stick a love theme somewhere.
