Oh, brother! After I saw John Wayne so brutally and sadistically murdered by that psychopath Long Hair, I cried for hours. (I was at least 35 years old at the time.) It really struck a nerve in me, so much so that I can never watch that scene again. So I admire you for handling it a little better than I did when you were just a little boy. Your father sounds like a fine, decent man--sort of like Wil Andersen. Oh, God, I'm getting tears in my eyes! If you haven't done so already, you should read the interview with Mark Rydell, the director. It sheds new light on John Wayne, a fellow whose politics infuriated me but whose actor's heart was in the right place. Much as the polarized politics of the present day tempt us to pigeonhole those with whom we disagree, the time to make up your mind about people is never, as Tracy Lord so beautifully put it in "The Philadelphia Story." We all seethe with contradictions, which is what makes people so fascinating.
And I join you in saying thanks to The Duke, especially for insisting on not phonying away from that scene that will haunt me till the day I die.