Lucy's a jerk!

Dude, Lucy's a B!tch! I love all of these Charlie Brown shows, but the one thing I don't look forward to is Lucy's consistent football prank. Most people would say "well, she's done it enough times; he should know better by now!" But's uncalled for. It was funny the first time or two, but I can't think of one episode that doesn't have it (unless I'm mistaken and just remembering all of the other episodes incorrectly).

I don't care if she IS a girl; I'm one myself, and if I were her, I wouldn't hold any hard feelings if Charlie just kicked me in the face for doing that to him that many times!

Ha, you know, it's a good thing these are cartoons and not live-action. If they were live-action, the person playing Lucy would be battered and hated as much as the chick who played Nellie Olseson!


It is supposed to be funny that she does that. Yeah, you're right, it is nasty for her to do it, but it is cartoon violence. However, there was one strip where she promised not to pull the football away when she found out Charlie Brown was in the hospital. He gets out and reminds her of this promise. However, what happens is he misses the ball and kicks her hand. Good vengence. But Lucy wasn't even in this special.
