It was a Tofurkey

Snoopy would never serve his bird-pal Woodstock a turkey! It was a tofurkey 

Tofurkey is what I'm having! Happy Thanksgiving all! 🍗 🍻

Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you $50,000 for a kiss and 50 cents for your soul.


We don't even know what kind of bird Woodstock is; he _COULD_ be a turkey!

In any case, I have a bit of a BEEF (um, vegan beef*, of course) with all these 'vege' products trying to mimic flesh consumption and muscle eating.

Why would a vegetarian product have to LOOK and TASTE like someone's muscles?! Why would it have to resemble a murdered bird??!

Having said that, gosh DARNED those products are getting good. I found a new 'vege slices with onion' that were SO realistic in look, texture and taste to what I remember eating decades ago, that I HAD to look at the package multiple times and read the word 'VEGE' carefully multiple times as well very carefully.

They were also ridiculously delicious, and all without the disgusting bits the 'sausage slices' often came with (slimy and icky bits) - but they looked and tasted 'realistic', and in my opinion, better than the original, cruelty-based slices.

They can make 'vege sausage' that tastes so good, but also so realistic, you have to take a double take sometimes.

By the way, you need to learn how to use the Oxford comma - your sentiment may be ethically sound, but it's not grammatically correct. "Happy Thanksgiving, all!" is the correct version. Also, I don't celebrate that particular holiday, as I don't live in that particular country, and there's more planet Earth around that country than there is within that country, more internet users live in other countries, etc..

..but sure, Happy Thanksgiving.


P.S. I really hate that it's called 'vegan meat', which couldn't be a bigger oxymoron.. kinda disgusting, when you try to avoid anything to do with what that word means, then they just thoughtlessly SCHLAP it in there, thinking THAT's what vegans want - to mimic the CRUELTY industry's BRUTAL animal products!


Why not a real turkey. Lots of birds are carnivorous.
Think about it: Chickens will eat chicken.
