MovieChat Forums > Cabaret (1972) Discussion > Who was divinely sexier...

Who was divinely sexier...

Brian or Maximilian?
Though Max was devastatingly sexy,
Brian takes the cake in my opinion.
What do you think, darlings?

Your wife's name is MONA!


oh darling no Question its brian

max might be rich but Brian is sweet and devinely sexier
and he loves to boomsen ( spelling) like mad.


I agree with you 100% on everything, mein darling!
He can bumsen me like mad ANY damn day of the week!
Oh hell yes!

Your wife's name is MONA!



I assume this question was asked by women about the men,
Well you're half correct, except I asked the question, and I'm a young bisexual man lol.
So basically if was Brian Roberts, I'd be screwing both Sally and Maximilian.

cause if you ask a man like me Id say it was the blonde of the dancers
If you ask a straight man, I guess. Lol but yeah, I know exactly who you're talking about. I think her name was Mausy? something along those lines lol. I'm not sure what that dancers name is, but she worked with Bob Fosse a lot. She's hot but she looked torn up in Cabaret. I think Helga was the best looking Kit Kat girl.



Yeah Mausy was the tallish, skinny blonde. Helga was the cute petite brunette with the smokey eyeshadow.

BTW, wasnt this supposed to take place right BEFORE the Nazis took over, like late '31-early '33?
Yes, it takes place in '31.



Lol. I have no clue.



You should post links if you find any good ones!



no problem, he can suck my fat dong, like the rest of the trolls on here HA!






...and who are you?



Ohhh Brian! Max was sexy but Brian did it for me. Although, I always did go for the androgynous types. Frank N Furter is a favorite...or anyone in a pirate shirt...;) Oh, and I'm a woman...:)


Brian! Beautiful Mr. Michael York!

Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!
