Disappointing Blu-Ray and Where's The Director's Cut?
this is no reflection on the film itself but the 1080p HD
transfer done for the blu-ray disc is rather underwhelming.
there are just too many scenes where it looks like you're
watching a regular dvd on a blu-ray player and not an actual
blu-ray disc. i know the film is 40 years old but the
blu-ray discs of ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT from 1930 and
GRAND ILLUSION from 1937 are impeccable with a capital I in
the way blu-ray discs should be.
also in th extras from the 1st dvd edition co-producer Martin
Baum mentions that the director's cut shown to executives at
ABC Pictures just didn't work. this was late summer 1971 and
the film was set toopen the beginning of February 1972. so
he said he co-producer Cy Furer and director Bob Fosse worked
on it for four weeks to get the cut that was theatrically
released February 1972. so where's the director's cut? how long
was it and how different was it?