You know if they were 4 feet tall we would lose.
No sh!t yeahhhhhh! You bet your bippy they would. Great observation detective. My main gripe against this movie is how tame it is when for a film of this type they could’ve really have ran with it. But it was made for general audiences for mass appeal so they naturally toned this down a lot.
It’s laughable that when people got attacked & “killed” by the rats, all you see is rats on top of people & that’s supposed to infer that they’re dead. The rats aren’t doing anything other than being on a person but you’re supposed to watch it & say “Yeah they got him”.
You could’ve had some biting, some tearing of flesh or ripping someone apart, but noooo. There wasn’t even a bloody shirt to be found during the whole sequence. If this is ever remade in this day & age you better believe that’s going to be rectified as the horror mavens are just going to run with it as the original makers of this failed to do.
It’s interesting to note that “Willard” is the more serious & adult oriented movie of the two. Better acting & charactizations. It was for more mature audiences even though it wasn’t over the top either but c’mon anybody could tell “Ben” was made for kids & younger audiences to be seen by everybody. It’s curious as to why they went that route between the two movies & chose to switch gears so to speak.
But a nice trip down memory lane though.