I would love to see this in HD...
I know this is an obscure film, and it's not the most fondly remembered of all the Alice adaptations, but I feel the biggest problem is with how people view it today: on home video. In the United States, all copies are horribly cropped (or in the case of the credits, stretched) fullscreen that look very dirty.
The best home video edition is available only in the UK, and that still leaves a lot to be desired: while it is in widescreen and does look clearer, it is not anamorphic, but "matted," meaning the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen are part of the video, and the transfer is not a sharp image, in fact, some parts of the image often look pixelated and there's some flickering going on. I tried making a video rip of it and upscaling it in VirtualDub, and there was little I could do to fix it without spoiling the picture. An anamorphic crop and resize to a DVD-widescreen image was possible, but the image still lacks.
Seriously, this should get a High-Definition transfer so people can enjoy it without being distracted by poor image quality.
I know that some may be unimpressed by the idea of the Wonderland characters as just people in costumes, but really, prior to CG and advanced animatronics, how else could it be done? And considering Alice's adventure is just a dream, it looks appropriate that she views these odd creatures to be similar to herself.
What we see and what we seem are but a dream. A dream within a dream.share