DVD Review
http://www.myreviewer.com/default/a126818/Review_for_Alices_Adventures _in_Wonderland_Review
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shareSomething tells me you didn't grow up with this film like some of us did. ;) A shame you can't review it with that perspective.
shareThe only perspective i review from is my own - i just didnt like it. I can see why people do though. I grew up with films that i love and when i read reviews i think, 'that person doesnt know what the hell they are talking about' ;-)
shareTrue true! You have your own perspective to review it from.
I have a huge love of nostalgia and saw this Alice when it first appeared on TV in the 70s. Probably 7 or 8 years old at the time. So it's pretty special to me personally. I think if a decent print of the film was available it might impress some that were unimpressed. I know one DVD version I have makes Alice look pale and emaciated. Often the film is too dark. All of that can really effect a viewing.
Point being: we need a better print of this film available.
I don't think you took the film quite on its own merit, rather than comparing it to other versions of Wonderland. I rather liked this take, which wasn't over-the-top or trippy at all. And I first saw it on a crappy DVD I'd rented a year ago.
What we see and what we seem are but a dream. A dream within a dream.share
Watching it last night brought back some memories for me. Outstanding moment for me was the Tweedle-Dum/Dee scene and the mock turtle scene. In fact the latter scene in the book to me just feels like one long pun, whereas in the film it carried more of a surreal sense because of its pacing. Carroll would have liked it I think. Unfortunately the quality of the DVD recording made quite a bit of it hard to judge fairly.
shareDid you write this? Because if you did, what I little I read at least, doesn't seem to hit any valid critical marks.
I think the one real critique you mention is that Fiona Fullerton is way too old to be playing the role, but if you're a kid you really don't know any better. And seeing as how it is a children's film, that particular critique, again, doesn't hold up.
Are you always this vapid and mean spirited?
Show some class...if you can....which I doubt.