Fond memory

I remember first seeing this version as a small child, when it was broadcast on WOR-TV in NYC on New Year's Day sometime in the mid seventies. I had woken up early with my father, and he and I sat and watched it together. I couldn't have been more than nine or ten. I haven't seen it since, until this morning when I arose early, turned on the TV and scrolled through my favorites and low and behold there it was on Showtime or one of those other cable movie channels. I felt like it was a New Year's message from my Dad who passed away in 2005. This is an utterly charming version with some very respectable British talent.

I may as well have property of M.G.M. tattooed on my backside!


I can't express how much this movie inspired my imagination as a child.


It's one of the great children's films of the 1970s. And I think it a lot better than a lot of other children's films.
