is this true about lewis carrol?

i love this movie, but just wondering was lewis carrol a opeuim addict?? and did he have a freind called alice who was molested by her dad so she made a dream world e,g a wonderland??? LOVE THE FILM!! some great british actors in ths film alice looks EXACTLY like kirsten dunst was she good as anastacia?? i wuld love a remake about the russina royal family!! :D and tim burton shuld do a remake of alice but it should have english accents! but my sister told me about lewis carrol


Charles Dodgson, better known by the pen name, Lewis Carroll is, from time to time, accused of being a drug addict, largely due to the halluncionary quality of his writing. Claims that he abused opium or cannabis are unsubstantiated by any evidence other than what is known of the culture at the time. Many people in 19th Century Europe and America used Laudanum, an opium derivitive, as a painkiller. It was the most widely available painkiller of the day, about as common as Tylenol or aspirin are today. And while it is true some people abused it to get high, there is no evidence that Dodgson ever did. In the 19th Century many people from China settled in the western world and some brought the opium habit with them. While it is true that many writers and artists of the day slummed in Chinatown opium dens there is no evidence that Dodgson, a minister and school teacher ever spent his leisure in such a place. And although it is true that cannabis, in the form of hashish, may be smoked in a hookah, the appearance of the hookah smoking catepillar in Alice in Wonderland can not be construed as evidence that Dodgson ever smoked cannabis, the hookah may simply be intended as a bit of oriental color--orientalism became fashionable in Britain with Britain's increased prescence in India and the Mideast.

And while it is true that Dodgson was friends with a girl named Alice Liddel, he denied basing the heroine of the Alice books on any real person. There is also no evidence that Alice Liddel, the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church, was ever molested by any one, let alone her father.


best. response. ever.


That was great, thanks.


Would have been even better if it were accurate.

He was not a 'minister' whatever that is . He refused holy orders and was merely a minor church official - a deacon.

He was a only 'schoolteacher' in the sense that he was an important Oxford University lecturer (in US terms a professor) in mathematics


To add to that, most of his "humor" is seeped and stems from mathematics and loopholes in logic. He had the genius enough to assign artifacts known in popular English culture of the time to his observations in both logic and the English language.

The "creativity" stemming from abuse of THC seems to be a hallucinatory effect as well as an opiate. It's not the same thing, and a mind so afflicted with debilitating chemicals cannot perform the higher functions needed for Dodgson's writing.

Therefore, no, he was not a drug addict, much less a user of cannabis. People stating otherwise are usually pushing a pro-cannabis agenda for legalization.


To clarify for those who haven't seen this film: there's no suggestion in it that Alice was ever abused.

"An inglorious peace is better than a dishonourable war" ~ John Adams


Rent the movie: "Dreamchild" (1985) which is basically a biography of Lewis Carrol. It may not be 100% accurate, but I found the movie fascinating!

Also, read this in the meantime:



Excellent reply from Frank.
I think it's worth adding that since the 1960s it's been common for every dopehead to ascribe imaginative works from the past or present to the use of drugs. The truth is that some people are naturally creative and imaginative with or without drugs. It's only those who don't have those qualities who think that chemical assistance is necessary.
It's also true that bizarre or psychedelic imagery alone doesn't make for a lasting work of art - it needs the application of craft to organise and give it meaning. Without storytelling skills then such works would be of no more lasting interest than any random person's dream.


by John-367 » Sat Nov 14 2009 07:30:05
IMDb member since June 1999
Excellent reply from Frank.
I think it's worth adding that since the 1960s it's been common for every dopehead to ascribe imaginative works from the past or present to the use of drugs. The truth is that some people are naturally creative and imaginative with or without drugs. It's only those who don't have those qualities who think that chemical assistance is necessary.


A person keeps seeing and hearing about drugs and their supposed effects on creativity. When the truth is you need high cognitive functions to create really and truly great, or even good, art. Drugs impair this, and only heighten euphoria, while the articulative sections of the brain are shut down and/or damaged by alien chemicals.


I was about to mention Dreamchild myself. V/good suggestion.




Sincerely, Steve :-)

Keep the faith!
