WHY did they not restore this version, as has been done w/all the others
I own and have seen all the other versions ('51 Disney animated, 1985 movie, 1999 made for t.v. film)----------------and ALL of these have been restored/digitally re-mastered, etc. for upmost audio/video quality. I have an HD/LCD t.v., so I know it's not my t.v. No way. But, I got this one at Target yest. for $5.50. I did find this version ('72) a few yrs. back (a "cheapie") for $1----------and this newest release of it is just a tad improved, but just not a good transfer, period. It's a British prod., but no excuses here. Anyone know why this one has not been dig. re-mastered, etc.???
Just. . . . . IMAGINE