Kids back then had respect for others. The example you mention shows how some kids expect adults to drop everything and run. The yelling was a reminder that adults have important things to do. I'm sure if you had tons of kids calling you nonstop you'd raise your voice too.
I agree that Elizabeth could do no wrong. She was rude and argumentative but nobody said anything. Always opening her big mouth and getting the others into trouble. Then there was the time she pushed Jim-Bob and his girlfriend, Patsy Brimer, into the pond. No punishment or even a scolding. I'm sure neither Jim-Bob or Patsy appreciated getting dunked in the cold water.
Elizabeth was the baby and Livvie and John favored her. Remember when Livvie was teaching school and Elizabeth insisted on sitting next to her? The superintendent of schools tried to nix that, but Livvie stood her ground.