Warning about Tabloid Cover Story
I won't dignify the rag by naming it, but one of the supermarket checkout publications has the Waltons on the current cover with a headline saying, "We Were Exploited."
I took a few spare minutes to read the short article. There was virtually nothing in there to make it worth anyone's time to read, let alone buy the stupid thing.
The only allegations regarding the notion of being "exploited" voiced by any of the quoted actors who portrayed the Walton children, were 1) they weren't paid nearly as much as they deserved, and 2) the production company was cheap, with regard to not going around telling them how wonderful they were and buying them nice gifts from time to time. Sometimes, they were coarsely told how they have to get to their "marks"--the places they needed to stand for scenes, and not blow their lines, because it cost time and money to re-shoot scenes--which is, of course, true.
Whatever they were paid, I'm sure they couldn't have gotten more from some other line of work at their ages and with their experience. "Not paid what you're worth"--get in line with the way most people feel.
The prime focus of the story was how the series was not expected to be a hit, due to it's tough competition when first aired, and how the children had a wonderful time playing on the set when waiting for their scenes. The child actors and actresses apparently bonded so well that they continue, over 40 years after the series began, to see each other every so often and correspond.
There was nothing shocking or revealing, nobody claimed to have been abused by anyone connected with the show, or otherwise, and other than capsule summaries of what the kids did after the series with their lives--and these are brief--along with recent photos, headshots, there was, to me, no reason at all to pay attention to this article. It was about as worthless as it gets.
I only picked it up because I had time to wait and wondered what big thing happened to "exploit" these people. Nothing at all in the story pointed to any sort of exploitation.
I believe it was 4 tabloid pages, including many photos, so I urge you to either ignore this altogether, or, read it while waiting in line and put it back because you should not waste your money on such things.