Curt Willard

I could never understand why Curt was written out of the series. Did the actor decide to leave? Or was it too complicated having Mary Ellen married and in a home of her own? Then to have him, played by a different actor, turn up a few seasons later, alive and kicking but pretending to be dead because he was impotent. I think the Curt played by the first actor would have at least given Mary Ellen a choice as to whether she still wanted to stay married to him.


I agree. I never understood it either. I do agree the actor appeared way too old for Mary Ellen but I enjoyed their relationship. It was not a storybook love, they fought which is true in some couples relationship. But they still loved each other.


I never thought that Curt worked on the show. More often than not he seemed like a big grouch. The only reason in my mind that they sprung the character on the viewers was the producers wanted to do stories away from the Walton homestead on occasion. Mary Ellen and Curt never worked as a couple for me.


Curt was terrible. Grouchy, too old, too unattractive. The actor was wooden (even compared to Judy Norton, which is saying something). They should have kept David or whatever his name was (the guy that went on to play Beau Buchanan in One Life To Live).


I am not sure who you are talking about but they should have kept GW Haines. That GW would have married either Mary Ellen or Erin but that may have been considered too mundane. But then again the whole point of the show was life was so much better in the "good old" days that most loyal viewers would have had no problem with one of the girls settling down to be a farmer's wife. After all it is about the characters and maybe some good characters could have come from the Haines family.


I could be wrong but I always thought Curt was brought on the show with the intention of him dying at Pearl Harbor from the beginning.

I believe they wanted him to become a part of the family for a few years so the audience would warm up to him so that his death would have a big impact.


He was impossible to warm up too. I did not like Curt. He was way too old for Mary Ellen and seemed very controlling. He was loud and rude.

~ Whoever said diamonds were a girls best friend never owned a dog ~


I also disliked Curt. Worst bedside manner ever, what a grump.

I wonder if he was written out so that the story arc could eventually dovetail with one of the narrator's short epilogues that ended every show. There was one very early in the show's run that said Mary Ellen was married to an English professor or teacher, I think.


I never liked the character of Curt. He was never interested enough in his wife or child. He was part of the show for such a short time, the audience could never really get invested in him.


I liked Curt, but they probably couldn't think of a way of keeping him in the series and making him interesting. it was getting to that stage by thenw here they were running out of idea of what to do with the characters I think.


what were they thinking when they cast this middle age man to be young mary ellens husband? it was all wrong.he looked like he could have been one of johns old drinking buddy's. he had the look of a villain.


Ha! " of John's old drinking buddies." :-)


I was soryy they wrote him out, I thought he and mary ellen made a good couple. But i think they were getting to that stage where they were running out of good story ideas, and decided to bring more drama into mAry ellen's life to give them some more plots. having him come back the way he did was just silly though.
