These are the most disappointing episodes in the series.
A) The house burns down, yet is fully restored within weeks
B) What was the point in farming out each of the children to different homes? None of the stories the kids are involved in viz a viz their hosts are compelling in any way.
C) Basically no character or even plot development was driven in this episode.
I wonder if CBS simply wanted to use the concept of the Walton home burning down as a promotional image to offset what other networks were then putting out as competition.
Maybe there was special programming on NBC or ABC that CBS felt the need to counter with the compelling concept of the Waltons losing their home.
Maybe ratings were sagging and the need was felt for gimmick episodes to goose them.
Otherwise I simply don't get the reason for these 2 shows.
I think that there were a couple of points to the episode. First that John Boy and Grandpa initially felt guilt in that they may have caused the fire. The drama was even stronger than that because the Walton's did not have fire insurance so losing the house may have been the first step towards ending the family unit. Second was Elizabeth with her doll and placing too much emotion in the doll. On the lighter side we have Ben adapting to life with Yancy Tucker. Probably not a big deal for somebody who grew up in recent times without the worry that the house if it did burn down would create serious repercussions. Times were different too back then as the kids did not go to stay with friends and neighbors for something to do unlike today where kids have sleep overs with friends. I did not grow up in the time that the Walton's take place but i know enough about it to understand it.
I thought it was great. We got to see how the family functioned without each other, and it was a great episode for Olivia, so devastated after her family is scattered.
I don't get why Ben got stuck in that shack with Yancy, while Jason got to live in luxury with the Baldwins. Mamie and Emily said, "We'd be so pleased if some of you would share our home", so why didn't Jason and Ben go to the Baldwins?
The writers wanted to have an angle with Jason's musical interest hence the Baldwin's piano. They also wanted to have Robert Donner in the episode so they needed someone to go bunk with Yancy. I always liked it when Yancy showed up and was disappointed that he faded away the last few seasons. The writers were also advancing the notion that Ben was not going to be as ambitious as his two older brothers.
I think this is my favorite episode of "The Waltons". All the parts were balanced out superbly! Each cast member had a memorable moment: John Boy and Grandpa dealing with their guilt. Grandma dealing with jealousy over Grandpa's flirting at Ms. Brimmer's boarding house. John and Olivia struggling with putting the house back together and the separation from the kids. Mary Ellen being her usual annoying self trying to control everything at the doctor's office. Erin and her proud humility. Jim Bob and the girl's hair ribbons. Ben and his freewheeling lifestyle with Yancy. Jason being spoiled by the "Baldwin Sisters". Elizabeth being scared and traumatized by the fire and Corabeth showing a gentle side of her character which was hardly ever seen. Superb episode!