MovieChat Forums > Sanford and Son (1972) Discussion > Presenting The Three Degrees

Presenting The Three Degrees

This is one of my favorite episodes.

It starts with some funny put downs of Rollo by Fred, with some toilet jokes (or as Fred pronounces it "taw-lit").

Then we meet the beautiful and talented singing group The Three Degrees, though we only get one quick acapella version of one song, I Didn't Know, accompanied by some funny reactions from Redd Foxx. This was aired in Oct 1973 and the group didn't have a big hit until When Will I See You Again in 1974, this was one of the beautiful soul songs of the era. They all had lovely voices, but I thought Fayette Pinkney was the most striking looking of them. She was the thin one with the big hair and great smile. Sadly, she passed away in 2009.

The scene in the night club is one of the funniest in the show's history. Fred and his poolroom friends Bubba, Leroy and Skillet are hilarious as they boo and interrupt the acts.

What do you think of this episode?


That's one of my favorite episodes ever! Normally appearances by celebrity guests seem a bit forced on the show, but the Three Degrees work perfectly. The nightclub scene is hilarious!

It's sad that the Three Degrees seem to have faded into that post-Supremes haze that also envelopes the Emotions and Love Unlimited. And it's even sadder that Fayette Pinkney is no longer with us. Judging from their Wikipedia page, it appears there were no fewer than 12 members of the Three Degrees in the trio's lineup over the years.


Hilarious! "I wanna go"... Then finally, "I'm going"


"How would you like it if I came down to the old folks home tomorrow morning, and knocked over yo checker board" Lol!!!


The look of horror on Lamonts face when he hears and see's Fred and his pals when they actually did come to the Safari Club. Priceless
