I loved this show but I'd bet they won't show it because it's not politically correct. It's a shame since I hate political correctness. But too many fat people will be offended. If I am wrong please let me know. Whatcha think? I mean why else is it so absent?
don't forget about people with lower intellectual skills (Dumb Donald) and speech impediments (MushMouth). Ah, political correctness gone mad!
Maybe another reason that its not on anymore is that the target market for the show (i.e. the kids of today) just wouldn't get it. I mean the cartoon was based on Cosby's own childhood in the late 40s to early 50s. It's a world thats basically gone.
I think that you are more on the mark about todays kids not getting it, rather than the political correctness. After all, they did just make a Fat Albert movie, which was a family film. They did not seem worried about offending fat people with the movie, and I have seen plenty of other oversized characters in todays cartoons, where the characters size is used for humor.
How is discussing Fat and Speech-Impaired and other similar situations politically incorrect? Do Fat People have their own nation now? Is there a consulate for the mildly retarded? I have weighed over a sixth of a ton and I am a special ed. teacher...so don't bother flaming me. I agree it is very uncool to point out someones short-comings if they can't do anything about it right there and then...but to ignore somebody...anybody...out of fear of offending them and being worried about being 'politically incorrect' or commiting a 'hate crime'...these fears will just lead to ignorance. (please note the root word 'IGNORE') And THAT is the worst situation for an individual to be in these days...either being ignored...or being ignorant.
Exactly, exactly. People have grown so afraid of accidentally saying something which could be taken as offensive toward a minority that they choose to ignore the world's problems completely. Through avoidance, safety, sure. And -like you said- ignorance. People need to stop focusing on words and start focusing more on the spirit of what's said. It's intentional cruelty which needs to stop, and ignorance, not communication. "Political correctness" through avoidance solves nothing and only makes problems worse.
Things weren't all that different for kids of the 70s-early 80s (this being Generation X) compared to the children of the 50s and 60s. Compare these generations to the Millenials and kids today, then, yes, they are worlds apart.
The movie annoyed me when Reggie kept calling Albert fat and luaghing about it and stuff. And the horrible line: 'That's good, nobody wants to see all that blubber.'
The politically incorrect part of the show is that it doesn't celebrate integration. These are Black kids growing up in a Black neighborhood. Occasionally, they come across a white person, but their world is almost entirely Black-owned and Black-controlled. These days, even if a show is about Black people and aimed at a Black audience, there has to be at least one white person in it as a sidekick or nemesis or something. A few examples of "Black" movies with superfluous white people - Soul Plane (Tom Arnold); Shaft-2000(Christian Bale); New Jack City (Judd Nelson).
in the black community, bill cosby has expressed his viewpoints many times on how things have gone wrong. watching this as an adult, i see too many negative stereotypes. number one, a big group of black kids who are never in school, you never see their parents, and they hang out in a junkyard. number two, i agree with stereotypes such as dumb donald. mushmouth is just an early example of ebonics. when will the world learn???
ps: this post is supposed to be satirical. take it as you will. :D
I'm overdoing it, but this thread has made so many good points and it made me laugh, How could I not want to participate. Just caught a few Fluffy Albert on Veoh. So much nostalgia.
Yeah, I guess people might think it is making fun of fat people or something. Also, considering how the kids are, you might think they are punks. People are just stupid, that's all.