Season 5 delay

I emailed two about the release of season 5 TBNS. The response from Fox was "there is no release date for season 5." The other answer was similar.

I'm so disappointed...I was really looking forward to season 5!



That's right...same with MTM show...they are dissapointed by poor sales and have no immediate plans to release more seasons of either show..I'm very dissapointed.


Fox can shove it up their asses. When they release a series they OWE it to their customers to follow through and release the entire series. We, as customers, have a RIGHT to know that when we spend our hard earned money on a DVD set that we'll be able to buy the entire series if we want. Releasing part of a series, then stopping, is outright theft. If they continue doing that customers should start demanding full refunds of money spent for earlier seasons.


I find it hard to believe that they would not release this show, considering all the crap that is available on DVD (The show Joey comes to mind). I need a few more seasons because I need to mix up the rotation of my Hi Bob marathons.


I've been collecting the series on DVD as well and can't imagine being stuck with an incomplete set. I don't know if it will do any good but here is the phone and email address for Fox. I sent one in today.

New and Upcoming Release Information

For more information on new and upcoming DVD or VHS releases, please email [email protected] or call 1-888-223-2FOX. You can always pre-order movies in advance at All pre-ordered items will be billed and shipped on their respective street dates.


I received a reply back from and they have also confirmed this. I don't expect a response from Fox for a few days if ever.

Anyone know how to start a compaign to get the final 2 seasons released? It has worked for other shows and can't imagine not being this close to getting all the seasons on DVD. What really stinks is that this may sink getting the Newhart series on DVD.


many fans of nypd blue were successful in persuading fox to release season 3 (then 4) of the show. but again, sales have been disappointing so i doubt any more seasons of this terrific show will be released.

this sounds pretty much in keeping with what they have said about this show and mtm (my all-time fave). its really sad.


It's going to drive me crazy to be 2 sets (or just one 6 disc set) to complete the series. I was going to start to collect MTM as well but that looks like a lost cause.


Anyone have the physical address for 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment?


I hate when studios do this. They did it to TAXI, another one of my favorites and have only brought out Seasons 1-3! Night Gallery only Season 1. Now this crap with Bob Newhart. Barney Miller they only released Season 1! But they release junk like Simple Life with Paris Hilton! AAAH!


Or as I like to call it, Bob-a-thon.


This doesn't mean it's not going to be released. They've released the previous seasons in the spring and fall of the last two years. The response you got from 20th Century Fox is typical of studio responses, which in the past have been vague at best.


That's right -- they own that property so they will probably get around to releasing it. It's just that they are cooling off on the 70s sitcoms for the time being.


That stinks! I've been wondering why they haven't released season 5 yet. Maybe if enough people bombard Fox with emails, they'll release it. I'd also like to complete my set.

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people." - My Man Godfrey


Since Fox thinks sales haven't been good enough for this show and the MTM show, what they should do is release a limited number of season sets and market them on They could determine how many people bought all the previous seasons, produce only that many of the next season, and they'd sell 'em all!

This principle is used by the Varese Sarabande CD club. They release expanded deluxe film scores and market them toward film score collectors. They usually press only 2,000 or 3,000 copies, and they almost always sell out because the film score fans scoop 'em up fast. I think the Newhart and MTM fans would do the same for season box sets.


I'm hoping the release Season 6 because I was an actor on one of the episodes! I was the Pieman on "Twas the Pie Before Christmas" which aired Christmas eve 1977. I'd like to show that episode to my grandkids! It was a real kick to do that show. They rehearsed for a week and then did two shows in front of audiences and made the on airs episode from those two.

Rik Pierce


Very cool trivia rikp-1 I would love to see that episode myself. I ran out an purchased seasons 1-4 each tuesday they were released and just loved the writing and just how great the old sitcoms like this one and M T M were. I did go out and purchase Newhart even though I feel FOX will drop the ball on these DVD releases also. Who knows. I still wanted to support the show even though in the end the suits at FOX could care less.

Shows how much they care when they place in the Best Buy ad Season one of the Bob Newhart Show as $29.99 They ok'd the wrong cover art. Some will say this is Best Buys fault it really isn't the Studios pay for what shows and DVDs they want advertised and they set the price. So just goes to show how much they care about their releases.
