I love this show!

Why anyone likes Newhart's other show, the one with the two Darryls, I'll never know. This one is so much funnier. I think my favourite episode would be the one where they all dress up as Uncle Sam for the party, or the one where Emily goes away and the others get drunk at Bob's. "I knew it was gonna be bad but I didn't think it was gonna be this bad, this early." and "You know you're at a bad party when Eliot Carlin is the happiest man in the room." My only beef: Bill Daily plays a man-child, as always, and too-often brings the level of comedy down to something any four-year-old could grasp. The same can be said for Tom Poston's George in Newhart's other series, although Poston's Peeper is a welcome presence in the few episodes he was in. Does anyone recall the Peeper giving Bob repeated cans of "peanut brittle" that turned out to be "snakes"?
Bob Newhart is a generous comedian who often stood back and let the others carry scenes. Have you ever watched one episode of M*A*S*H in which Alan Alda stood silent while other actors got the laughs? Not likely! While not perfect, this sit-com deserves a special place in TV history.




The Peeper!

then Bob gave the third can to Emily, and it was......
