Favourite and Least Favourite Character(s)
Mrs. Slocombe
Mr. Humphries
Mr. Grainger
Least Favourite:
Captain Peacock
Mr. Rumbold
Mrs. Slocombe
Mr. Humphries
Mr. Grainger
Least Favourite:
Captain Peacock
Mr. Rumbold
Mrs. Slocombe
Mr. Humphries
The nurse
Miss Brahms
Mr. Rumbold
Capt. Peacock
Miss Belfridge
Young Mr. Grace
Mr. Mash
Mr. Harman
Canteen Manageress
Mr. Spooner
Mr. Lucas
Least Favorite:
Old Mr. Grace
Any of Mr. Grainger's replacements except for Harry Goldberg (Alfie Bass)
Have to agree on Old Mr Grace. He was so obviously a fraud. Young Mr Grace was unmistakeably a very old man with real tremors from Parkinson's I guess. He was genuinely funny and had a perfect feel for the part. I learned that his replacement was actually 54 years old! You can tell he's pretending to be an old man. Then they made his part bigger - he's suddenly in every episode, sometimes more than once, whereas Young Mr Grace had been seen sparingly. I'm rewatching the entire 69 episodes and I'm noticing you don't see Young Mr Grace in the final 12 episodes or so, so they must have become aware that no one liked him.
Mr. Humphries
Mr. Lucus
Least Favorite:
Mr. Spooner
In order:
Mr. Lucas
Mrs. Slocomb
Mr. Humpries
Miss Brahms
Captain Peacock
Didn't much care for the replacement elder salesman in the later series (brown hair and a mustache) - can't think of name offhand, but it was hrdly his fault. Had some big shoes to fill!
Favorites include:
Captain Peacock
Mrs Slocombe
Mr Humphries
Miss Brahms
Mr Lucas
Least Favs:
Old Mr Granger - creepy
Mr Rumbold