I've heard Vampire Circus described as Hammer's goriest movie,I'm not so sure.Perhaps that honour goes to Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell,what do you think?
It'd be a close call, there is some footage missing from the scene where Dora finds the torn up maggot covered corpses in the woods so its sort of hard to tell. The scene in the Frankenstein movie where Peter Cushing kicks the brain aside is also pretty potent and the bit where the monster slashes the guy's throat is out of control. It could come down to how you relate to the approach to the material. The Frankenstein movie is definitely a "classier" production and doesn't wallow in sleaze the way that Vampire Circus does. As such the Frankenstein movie's gore scenes have a different effect on the viewer, and Vampire Circus' gore scenes come off as more overt. In terms of sheer blood and body parts the Frankenstein movie probably has more splatter, but the approach of Vampire Circus is more sensationalistic.