Very pleased with region free DVD.
I grew tired of waiting for a region 1 release of "Vampire Circus," and I decided to purchase the region free import from Brazil. I did some research and it seemed to be a good deal. However, I still wasn't sure if I'd be happy with the disc I'd be getting. I'm here to say I am very pleased with this product, and it will NOT be replaced if a region 1 release is ever produced.
As mentioned, this import DVD from Brazil is region free and it played perfectly fine in my region 1 player. This DVD was made by LW Editora/Works, which is Brazil's leading producer of licensed Hammer films on disc. LW Editora/Works is listed in IMDb if you want to see what other titles the company has released on disc.
The entire film is in its original English, including the film's credits. English subtitles are also provided if you want to view them. The DVD sleeve and disc menu are in Portuguese, and the DVD sleeve lists the film under its Portuguese title, "O Vampiro Ea Cigana." You can easily print out your own "Vampire Circus" artwork if you don't like the Portuguese cover. The disc's attractive menu may be in Portuguese, but it is not difficult to figure out!
The film is presented in widescreen, and the print used was in very good shape. This print is also a British print, which contains more blood and nudity than previously seen in the 1972 U.S. theatrical version. I was delighted to find a theatrical trailer as an extra feature.
This company produced several Hammer titles on DVD in Brazil. There are three which have not had a proper DVD release in region 1: "Vampire Circus," "Hands Of The Ripper," and "Twins Of Evil." I also bought their region free "Hands Of The Ripper" DVD, which I will view later tonight. I've been holding off from buying "Twins Of Evil" (also region free), because it seems they only produced it in full screen. However, I might just give in and purchase this one as well. These discs are reasonably priced, and they can be found on Amazon, ebay, and shops which specialize in imported discs.
I am so pleased by this purchase, and I wouldn't hesitate to buy a region free DVD from this company again!