timeless british horror fest!
***MIGHT INCLUDE SPOILERS!***Here it is! A great horror film from the sexy and wild 1970´s! No slow build-up! The film even begins with the typical end of a gothic horrormovie, but after that, there is no slow segment of character development. As soon as one villager says “- ...Vampires only exist in legends...” we hear the sounds and noises from the vampire caravan! The film has unusually many characters for us to deal with and many we care of. It is fantastic! Delivers horror and vampire scenes in loads! As soon as the thrills and creepiness are over, we are exposed to sensual or right down sexy scenes!
Romantic take on creepy looking vampires as if they would like to take you along on this very unchristian ride! The stunning thing in this film is that the vampires seem to gladly victimize the young, really just children! A vampire has an erotic scene with a woman slave! A gorgous panther man and a huge magnificent tiger, the crazy but witty dwarf, the silent strong man, the womanleader of the circus! A plague causing a village to go into quaranteen! Never a dull moment! A seminude woman in reptileskin in an animalistic supersexy dance scene! Beautiful girls and women! Psychic sibling twins that are transformed into bats! The Darth Vader actor! The Mirror of Life...a mirror that...No, I won´t tell you! Pleasure mixed with blood, bloodsuckers and wild animals! Seduction of the underage! Colorful acting! You care as much for the poor villagers as you do with the sexy and beautiful vampire men and women! Highly imaginative film making!
It actually engages us to enjoy these satanic things! If you feel that Hammer films bore you! Forget it! This is it! Give it a special viewing! The film has ONLY sex, boobs, sensual lovemaking, blood, chock, ugly vampires, nudity, violence, heads, the mocking laughter of the nasty vampires, thrills, mutilations, vampire stakings, huge fangs, corpses, eyeballs, great music and atmosphere! AND a 2 seconds scene where a mans shadow is transformed into a black panther in the middle of the stairs..Wow!
This is a classic! If you don´t like it, you either don´t like horror films or your libido hasn´t matured yet! Wonderful! I Must see it at least once a year through my Life!