MovieChat Forums > Silent Running (1972) Discussion > In this movie Dern reminds me of...

In this movie Dern reminds me of...

Michael Richards the way he looked in UHF.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


I think he looks exactly like Michael Bay in this movie. I'm not sure that's a compliment though...

Working in the movie business since -92


You're so right about the Michael Richards comparison. Never noticed that before. lol


I kept seeing Ben Stiller (in his "intense" stuff)

Wednesday has been cancelled due to a scheduling error


I haven't seen enough of Michael Richards to comment on the comparison. But if you ever see the Brit actor, Richard O'Sullivan, You will probably note a strong resemblance between him and Bruce Dern. Also when Dern shows his gritted teeth in this film, he reminded me for a brief moment of the old classic film actor, Humphrey Bogart.
