MovieChat Forums > The Screaming Woman (1972) Discussion > I was never quite right again.

I was never quite right again.

This movie scared the bujesus out of me in 1972 when I was 11. I haven't seen it since but I haven't forgotten it. I still shudder when I think of it. Those ABC Movies of the Week were awesome back then. Look at that cast. Those were the days.


Same here. I remember watching it when it came out on T.V. and I was ruined. I had nightmares for years:(


There were loads of great made-for-TV movies back in the 70's. Great writing and plots. In fact, many of the TV movies were better than many of the films coming out of Hollywood today...

I downloaded this from YouTube. I looked the opening "ABC Movie of the Week" theme. Brings back memories from my good old days...


There were loads of great made-for-TV movies back in the 70's. Great writing and plots. In fact, many of the TV movies were better than many of the films coming out of Hollywood today...

I couldn't agree more. I remember watching this when I was a kid and man it was scary. Horror movies today just don't compare to ones like this. CG is a wonderful tool and you can accomplish things with it you couldn't do in the 70's. Unfortunately movies seem to rely on CG to make up for a crappy story and/or acting.

I wonder if this is on BR/DVD. I would love to see it again.

Long live the 70s!


I saw this first on TV and then it was on a few days later on Canadian TV. It scared the heck outta me!

The Drew Barrymore was well-made but had none of the staying power of this version.

I was finally able to get a grainy copy off eBay and watched it again. The film still hold sup all these years later.

Bradbury sure knew how to write etherial thrillers that just stuck with you for ever.

George "Stompy" Hollo


I also saw this in 1972 and never forgot it. I was thrilled to find a beautiful copy on YouTube.
