sound track
Does anyone know how I can obtain the sound track for A Safe Place?
I reckon I'm gonna have to sit down with the end-credits on 'Pause' and transcribe the track list by hand, 'cause there just ain't a list posted anywhere on the innernet, and it doesn't look like a soundtrack recording has ever been issued, ever. It should be possible to cobble together a compilation from other recordings (for 'home-use only'), as all the tracks are established classics in their own right - Sablon, Piaf, et c. - I might just get around to it all one day, if I live long enough.
"Everything is obvious in retrospect." -Irving Gribbish
The soundtrack is posted now on this site:
It's an exquisite collection of songs used, in my opinion, with mixed results in this film. All these recordings are available separately elsewhere and don't necessarily have a strong association with this film anyway – at least in my book.