MovieChat Forums > Psychomania Discussion > Locations; Any ideas?

Locations; Any ideas?

I've read that Walton-on-Thames shopping centre was used. I've also read that the flats in nearby Hepworth Way were used as well.

Does anyone know of the exact location of other important places in the film?
Its obvious a lot of it must have been in or around the studios but what about the Seven Witches? The Witches stones must have been props but what about the field itself? Theres a road running about a half mile in the background and there appears to be a pool near it.
What about the bridge Tom 'died' on?
The chase scenes remind me of a test track. Is this the MIRA facility?
How about the Latham manor house?
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Ta.


See recent "correspondence" on this subject (I hadn't realised that this question had been broached by you). I suspect that you are right about the test track (given the curvature of the bends!).




the field is on the left coming from ashford by the studios .theres a river there. in the part where they drive in the water is the watersplash which is still there but you cant drive in any more..i played there as a kid at times. what you say may be a race track is the m3 at the time was still being built around chertsey sumbury . i have met nicky henson befor i ask him where the pub was he said he could not remember but was not far from the studio.he said he allways gets ask about the film


Amazing! I knew someone out there would know the location. I must visit it (on a motorbike!).


glad i can help the water splash is down an old lane across the road from a old school bye the sduido. it leads in to the river which is the feld where the had the stones in the film


Thanks again. I'm on my bike!


let us no how you got on


Thanks to your directions, and those of a local who had lived in the area for 50 years (and whose son had visited the location and been fed by the location caterers!), I was able to find the locations with relative ease.

The "field of the stones" is now the field where car boot sales are held at the weekend, and the ford is still a ford, but no longer accessible to traffic.

I watched the film on my return from "scouting", but one thing still worries me: the bikers turn right on exiting the field, which doesn't accord with the map!

Thanks again for your leads.


great film


The scenes where Nicky Henson's character rides off the bridge were filmed on the M3 where it passes over the Thames at Laleham. Likewise the scene where one of the Living Dead commits suicide by throwing himself into the river weighed down with chains was also shot along the tow path at Laleham.


The road used for the chase scenes looked remarkably like the road used in 'Scream and Scream Again' anyone know if it was the same place?

"Look! - it's the Invisible Man!"



Thanks for that. The place I was thinking of is the Test and Evaluation road so it may well have been used many times.
"Look! - it's the Invisible Man!"


I think this test track was also used in the "Wish you Were Here" story in the film Tales From the Crypt (1972) where the figure of 'death' is following Richard Greene on a motorcycle.
