Girl in the picture

Am I alone or the girl in the main picture looks a lot like Sienna Miller? For some minutes I wondered if it was a movie made in the 00's... then I realized it must be a 70's movie, since the guy is gorgeous Al Pacino as a Young man :-)


Why can't she go home? Or why doesn't she go home?

"He who swaps his liberty for the promise of 'security' deserves neither." Ben Franklin


Sorry, I haven't seen the movie. I was only noticing the striking resemblance between the actress and Sienna Miller.


I've been in a eerily similar relationship. After I graduated college with a BS in Biochemistry, I thought I'd take a year off & save up some money and apply for graduate school the following year. Instead, I got bored really quickly and while I was partying with a few friends, this guy (now my ex) asked if I'd wanna experience the best kinda high so I let him shoot me up. From there, we isolated ourselves not only from friends but I was told not to be in contact with my mom.

Yes, this all sounds crazy, especially with such a well-rounded person as myself but I have always had underlying mental illness i.e. depression and major anxiety disorder; I was self-medicating. I've been clean since I saw my ex leave for prison in Feb. '12. Turns out he's a diagnosed sociopath and I was only 1 of his countless "usees".
