MovieChat Forums > La noche del terror ciego Discussion > Blind Dead Box Set Region 2

Blind Dead Box Set Region 2

Well it's finally available,

click on this link to take you to amazon


Sadly this box is no good since one of the fims had to be edited in order to receive an "18" certificate from the BBFC. I think it was the first part...


Thats the highest rating the BBFC use now though isn't it?


Aside from rejecting the movie (and thus banning it), yes.


Only the first movie is cut by the BBFC and that is 16seconds from a rape scene that was not very graphic or really very important to the story. I am not sure why they cut it as they have let through far worse in the links of Salo, Irreversible etc. Maybe they felt the victim’s reaction was ambiguous or some crap. Other than that all the films are fully uncut and the transfer is great, just depends how much those 16 seconds matter to you.


I was surprised about that, too. The rape scene is probably the most harmless potentially controversial scene of the movie. Very odd!!!

Still, cut is cut...


In order for a film to be re-classified it would have to be resubmitted to the BBFC. This costs money and, while there may be sequences reinstated, there may also be sections of the film that were okay in the past and now have gone.

In this case the film was resubmitted so it does seem odd but you can't compare across too many years as the BBFC is totally under the sway of its director and whichever middle-class meddlers are deeming what they feel is suitable for 'the masses'. Five years ago there would have been a different policy and five years before that, etc.

The site says this, however:
"To obtain this category cuts of 0m 16s were required. The cuts were Compulsory.
Cuts required to eroticised sexual assault, in order to obtain an '18' in accordance with BBFC guidelines and policy."


I think the clue may be in the wording:

"The cuts were Compulsory"

Sometimes the BBFC may want to pass a movie uncut (indeed the current chairman, who's name I can not be arsed looking up at this momment said on a channel 4 documentary that "the BBFC is a certification board, not a board of censors") but under UK law are sometimes obliged to make cuts.

A famous example of this is "Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song" where the BBFC wanted to pass the recent BFI DVD uncut as they understood the movie's artistic and cultural significance. However there was no getting around the fact that the male actor involved in a pretty graphic sex scene at the start of the movie was only 14 years old. The BBFC took legal advice from a QC (Queen's Council, the highest rank of lawer in the UK) who specialized in such cases and he told them that yes it would be classed as child porn under UK law and advised them to cut the scene. In the end said scene was opticaly censored.

As the cut made to Tombs of the Blind Dead was of sexualized violence I think more or less the same thing would have occured. They would have liked to have passed the movie uncut but couldn't.

"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan."
