What movie is it where...

I'm trying to find the title to a movie I saw when I was little that scared the crap out of me. I'm sure it's not this title, but I thought there might be some horror movie gurus out there that might know. The only scene I remember was at the end of the film, a woman is locked inside a room with a scary looking person in a bed. I want to say the person in the bed was rotting, or blue and slimy? She has some kind of relationship with the thing in the bed. She screams (I think maybe she's getting what she deserves?) I know that's not much to go on, but that's all I've got. Any films come to mind?


Colour or b/w? Not that anything comes to mind, just fishing for more detail...was it a period piece?


Color, maybe late 70s? I don't think it was a period film.


Got me stumped...I really wanna know now, as well...


Had a thought: Basket Case?


yeah, could be Basket Case but Belial isn't blue. Of course the lights were out. Was it BC?


No. I've been told The Hunger, Mutant, and Posession. I know it's not Basket Case. I saw them all, and none of them are the one I was looking for. She's trapped in a room with this slimey sick freaky looking thing in a bed. She is locked in the room and wants out. It was a very disturbing scene. Well, it scared the hell out of me when I was little. It's probably super cheesy. But when I see it, I'll know. It burned itself into my memory.


It's not Possession as in that film the woman willingly has a relationship with the mysteriouas creature.


Pet Cemetary? (Zelda feaked me out)


