Just watched this... [Blue Underground Box Set]
... and all I have to say is *beep* Romero!
(no, not really - other than basic similarities, his films and Amando's are like apples & oranges)
Jokes aside though; I bought the new Blue UG box set (yes, the coffin shaped one you all probably just bought because it looked cool) and after putting it off for a week, I finally sat down and gave the first of the collection, TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD, a thorough viewing. My verdict: WOW.
Now, I can't really give you much history on the movie but I WILL say that if you're going to watch it, MAKE SURE IT'S THE UNCENSORED SPANISH VERSION.
I know what you're thinking... screw that, I ain't going to put up with subtitles. Well, I say - BLOODY DO IT! The US / english speaking version has been butchered. Key scenes of gore & sexuality have been removed, and the flow of the movie has *beep* by the underwhelming hack 'n' slash / cut 'n' paste by the US editors (no wonder you hear people on here bitching about incoherent plot!). Example: The US Version now opens with the Sacrifice which IMO kills the effect it had in it's original position.
For the sake of spoilers, I'm not going any deeper, but feel free to email me if like myself you've only just discovered this gem of a movie. For those who are unsure, take the risk - you shouldn't regret it. And at a WORST case scenario, a limited edition box set as well designed as this will probably see you increase your profits ten-fold when you ar$e it off on eBay.
Buy it Now!