Drop dead gorgeous

When Virginia (María Elena Arpón) joins the ranks of the undead she has got to be one of the best looking zombies I have seen this side of Mindy Clarke! (Return of the Living Dead III).
Anyone know where there any good photos of Ms Arpón (aka Helen Harp) on the internet?
Just a quick comment about 'Tombs...', along with 'Let Sleeping Corpses Lie' this has got be THE euro-zombie flic of the 70's. Before Mr Fulci brought us 'Zombie Flesh Eaters' of course.


I was actually just watching this today and I thought the same thing about María Aprón being the hottest zombie ever infected.


She looks like a zombie version of Monica Belluci. So yes, drop dead gorgeous.

Too bad she's such a dreadful actress.


From the first time I ever saw an edited, dubbed version of this movie, I was really taken with her stunning beauty and vulnerability. She is so cute and sexy in her little top, and tight shorts; what could be a greater contrast with the dreadful old Templar living cadavers? I find her transformation into a ghoul disturbing, because she has now become a monster, but we still think of her as the sweet little thing she was before, a zombie more sinned against than sinning.

And when he crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him


I set my DVR to record Gozilla SOS and it caught the last 20 min's or so of Tombs Of The Blind. Is María Elena Arpón the dark haired woman who towards the end of the film who gets killed and is on her back and has her top sort of ripped to the side a bit so you can see her nipple (there's a blonde haired woman who sees her getting killed and runs away in the same scene)?

Thanks A Bunch.


No, that is not her. She was in the film earlier. I think the woman you are referring to was Maria, who would not allow Betty to open the door for Roger.


yep probably the hottest zombie ever!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
