One of the worst movies in film history
Wow. Oh my god. I never really trusted IMDB ratings but this is taking it to a completely new level. This film was so bad I was literally speechless.
I'm surprised I made it through all of its ninety-seven painful minutes. I wanted to stop watching as early as 5 minutes into the film but Virginia kept me going, she was the ONLY good thing in this film. I was constantly staring at her legs and butt because that was the only good thing to look at, until she turned into a zombie.
A few details:
- worst audio I have heard in a very long time. I had to listen to it at 1/4 of the volume I usually listen to movies because it was literally painful in the ears. Also you could hear cuts. Also it kept switching from the old (original) dub to a newer, even worse one.
- the lines were ridiculous at times, voice actors were bad, bad, BAD!
- bad effects (enough said)... This was one thing I could connive at, as this movie is from 1971, but still, they were PARTICULARLY bad even for this time.
- the acting... umm, yeah, it made me feel like I was watching some early 40's film, only in color.
Conclusion: If you have sleeping problems give this film a try, because I was struggling not to fall asleep when the "action" started.
Give some youth on YouTube a $30 camera and they could probably make a better film.