MovieChat Forums > The Night Stalker (1972) Discussion > Concerning Gail (SPOILERS)

Concerning Gail (SPOILERS)

I watch this every October (surprise!), and I am always left with that hollow feeling that Kolchak had the one grounding factor taken from him in the end, Gail Foster.

Does anyone know if they were ever reunited? I know the short-lived tv series all but forgets her, but maybe a storyline was worked into the comic books where Gail and Kolchak crossed paths again?


watched it last night, he states at the end epilouge that he spent years and all his cash looking, but never did find Gail again


I wish they would do a movie where this woman comes to a town or city for a funeral. Carol Lynley appears and the girl calls her "mom". Carol says that she would have been very proud of her father since he fought for what was right and she is sorry they never met , but she had to protect herself as well as Carl. Carol gives her a tape recorder and several tapes. She goes to a hotel, puts a picture up on the night stand and puts in one of the tapes. The tape we hear is what was heard in beginning of this movie. She looks at the picture and we see that it is Carl. This sets up for either a series or movies where she battles the supernatural as her father did. Of course, his child could also be a male.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts
