Amyityville powers
Pre Merge
UPSTAIRS BATHROOMDivination: The person who gets this power will have to publicly post their votes. They will have to do so till merge
MASTER BEDROOMGhost: The person who gets this power will become a ghost
They will be unable to vote or play at the challenge
But they will be vulnerable to be voted for
BEDROOM ONEOuija Board: The person who wins this will put their tribe at a disadvantage. In order for that tribe to start the challenge
They will have to decipher a mini puzzle
UPSTAIRS HALLAbduction: The person who wins this power will be able to abduct someone from the other tribe
ATTIC Séance: The person who receives this power will be able to wake up the dead and summon them to the game.
They can pick any Survivor voted off. That survivor will come back to the game for 1 game week
CLOSETHoly Water: The Holy Water repels evil
With the Holy Water, you are immune for that current game week
NURSERY Teleportation: The transfer of matter from one point to another. With this power, you can switch 2 people from their tribes
BEDROOM TWOChainsaw: The chainsaw will be used to slice things up. The person who receives this power will have great power
For 1 week, they will split up the other tribe. And they also get to pick how the tribe is split up
MASTER BATHROOMPossession: With this power, you can steal someone from the other tribe. The person holding this power will also control the possessed. They will only stay in that tribe for 1 game week
KITCHENSpell Book: The person who win this power will be under a spell
Their vote will be put through for 2 TC's
DINING ROOMThe VooDoo Doll: The person who receives this power will become puppet of the house. Each of the remaining players will assign them a task to complete. They will have 24 hours to complete all tasks. Tasks will be monitored by the hosts to make sure they are realistic
Pre Merge/Merge
LIVING ROOMThe Hoax: The person who wins this power will get a fake HII. They will be aware that it's fake. They will be allowed to give it away to someone else.
BASEMENTThe Deity: The person who gets this power will be able to break any ties during the game (We can set a, Till Final ? if you want)
DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOMCrucifix: This will help repel evil spirits. With the Crucifix, you are immune for that current game week
DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAYThe Occult: "(clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to knowledge of the hidden"
The person who gets this power will be able to get a clue to the challenge
PANTRYDoppelgänger: The person who receives this power
Will have a double vote good until final 5