The book was better

Don't get me wrong. This movie still ranks as one of my faves. However, I just think that the book was better. Here are a few differences:

1. The changes in Myles are MUCH more subtle and gradual in the book.

2. In the book, Myles & Paula live in New York City, not Los Angeles. Myles also has a widowed mother, whom we meet when she comes to visit. She is somewhat suspicious of Duncan Ely and his reputation, but cannot help but fawning on Duncan when she meets him and Roxanne face to face.

3. Duncan & Roxanne come across in the novel as being much friendlier than they do in the movie. In the book, when Paula learns that Duncan has leukemia and is dying, she is able to put aside her suspicions & hostility.

4. Their young daughter is a few years younger and not nearly as annoying. Yeah, in the book AND the movie, Abbie's untimely death IS sad, but is more drawn out in the book, thus adding more pathos. The major difference is when the child comes into her parents' room to announce that she does not feel well, and is indeed ill. The movie version makes it appear as if Myles (Alan Alda) could not care less; the book's version of Myles acts like any concerned father would and calls the ambulance and doctor.

5. Paula & her business colleague in the movie are, maybe, friends if that. The novel implies that they were best friends since college. Their husbands were a lot friendlier to each other in the novel, too. In the film, it appears that they scarcely knew each other. When one reads the book, you feel that maybe they were buddies to some extent.


Well this movie sucks. I already knew that but I havent seen it for 40 years, its terrible. 4/10

On the other hand, the book a solid 10/10 a masterpiece of the genre.

