I netflixed this movie and while looking through the still gallery, one of the ads for the movie rates it "GP" (the equivalent of today's "PG"). The rest of the ads have the "R" rating.
So, what gives, anybody know if the movie had a couple versions and which came first?
Polls... One of the Main Stream Media's Jedi Mind Tricks.
Allot of the re-released films from 70's especially the 20th century fox and mgm ones, were actually resubmitted for rating upon release on DVD which is kind of odd because studios usually don't pay for a re submitting on what they consider like the "midnight movies " but there are a few. A few of the Vincent price ones to mention a few. Before PG-13 (which actually was created because parents were outraged over the graphic PG content of the 2nd Indiana Jones movie) the ratings got away with ALLOT with a GP rating. Things we would NEVER see today in PG let alone some PG-13's heck now they even describe if the movie has "smoking" in it. But yeah def deserved the re rating. PERSONALLY I think it could have Gotten away with PG-13 you BARELY saw her boob and you saw Kate Winslet'a like 4 times in Titanic lol. Anyhow sorry for the novel I'm just a movie fanatic is all :)
The movie debuted as "Satan's Transplant" with an R rating and it's the only rating the MPAA has ever given it. The ad must've either mistakenly applied the wrong rating or deliberately mislabeled it so it could play to a larger audience.