MovieChat Forums > Melody (1971) Discussion > Melody: 1971 Color British:

Melody: 1971 Color British:

The First time I saw this movie was when it came out in 1971 at the cinema.
I was swept off my feet after seeing this film. After I saw it it left such an impact on me that I had to find the Sound Track to this movie.Which I did and I haven't seen it since.
I saw the movie again just to see certain scenes, I really loved this movie and at that time I had a crush on Tracy Hyde as well as Jack Wild and Mark Lester. I had to get more reading material on these 2 actors at the time.

Over the years when videos came to existance I found Melody at my local video store, so I rented it to watch for old time sakes.
I was facinated at the British school system with the uniforms worn by girls as well as boys and the antics they got up to.The film was photographed very well and was detailed very nicely around London.The music was good and matched the many scenes of this movie. The Bee Gees sang very nice on this film.
I really liked The Bee Gees of that time as I have every album that they have recorded. To this day I still play their songs as well as I have a copy of this movie.

If anybody is into British Movies I would definately recommend this movie it is uplifting and the photography is done very nice.The music is quite good in this film.
It is a must to see this movie "Melody"
I will watch it again soon.I still have a crush on Tracy Hyde.Even to this day.

Norman Bloom........


Oh how I agree with you! I saw this little gem over thirty years ago & I would just love to see it again.It does seem to have slipped from the tv listings here in the UK though in recent years unfortunately..............
I would love it to be released on Region 2 DVD (I would be the first in the queue!!!!!!!!) but until then I am "forced" into regularly checking Ebay listings for secondhand VHS videos (I am not interested in buying pirated copy DVD's nor those from the Far East fearing they just won't play)
Unfortunately I have been "pipped to the post" several times in bidding though but my turn will come............One day...................Sigh..................LOL


Further to my earlier answer well I just could not wait any longer & have bought a Japanese copy of the DVD from Ebay for the princely sum of £5.99 & all I can say is that it was money very well spent!
The film is Region 0 (I presume you need a multi region player) with Japanese subtitles (which can easily be switched off) & a menu in Japanese too (obviously!) but if I can navigate my way around the DVD no problem then it must be easy!!!!!!!!! Both picture & sound quality were excellent too.
It has taken a long time to see this little gem again but it certainly was well worth the wait-What a fantastic trip down Memory Lane.............Did we really look like that in 1971 & wear those awful fashions too though?! LOL


The DVD can be bought on Amazon's Japanese site Just click the english translation icon on the top of the page. Its region 0 so it will play on any machine.
