favourite lines
What where your favourite lines from this film?
Mine -
*Ornshaw is marrying Danny and Melody and everyone is laughing*
Ornshaw - Shut up! It's not funny, it's serious!
Also, when Ornshaw is trying to read the part of the priest and can't read it so just goes 'Would ya?', then Danny goes 'Yes I would', and Ornshaw goes 'Huh, thought you might!'
But theres so many other great lines so what are you favourite?
Also I have a question, when they are in the classroom and the teacher goes 'The Jewish children may now leave for private study.' And Ornshaw and another boy (I think hes called O'Leary) stand up to go with them, and the teaccher goes, 'O'Leary (?) have you informed the Holy Father of your change in faith.' And then he says to Ornshaw, 'And you Ornshaw, you can wait till after class to go to your __________'
What does he say, I can never quite catch it. Thanks!