Revenant -- remake

The same story was remade as Revenant in 2015, as what is a very inferior version -- I'm told -- but because of all the CGI and the superstar's superhero hijinks it's been rated an average score of 8.3 on this site (compared with an unaccountably lowly 6.9 for this original version).


The Revenant was a far superior film IMO. The camera work and scenery were spectacular in every way. DiCaprio was brilliant as an actor in this movie (deserved the award for best actor). Also is closer to the true story, including names....real story is that Glass was left for dead by Fitzgerald (there was no son involved) and he took his special rifle. It was months later that Glass confronted Fitzgerald in a different state and he couldn't kill him as the army wouldn't let him as FitzGerald had reenlisted. They gave him his rifle back and $300 in compensation to let the thing go. In later years Glass survived another incident where he got shot with an arrow in the back. Finally, Glass was killed by some indian tribe a few years later.


Thanks for the full explanation and true story. I had looked him up on Wikipedia (with the other principals involved) but you never get the full flavor, so thanks again. I can see why filmmakers telescope the the actual historical timeframe for dramatic fluidity, and make other minor changes -- but for the life of me, why add or radically characters if it's a good basic story? I think because Leo is getting way up there in his thirties, LMAO, they maybe found it necessary to add a bit of young beefcake? Yesteryear had its quirks, and today it's an age of "Downton Abbey" imperatives -- where to add a quadroon into the English aristocracy of the 19th Century is no problem.


I read the actual story of Hugh Glass somewhere online and I was just amazed by it. Such a harrowing yet remarkable story.

As for The Revenant and this film, I'm anxious to see both. Especially to make out the differences and similarities between the two and of this inspirational story of a man who refused to go down.


DiCaprio is a decent actor but he gets shoehorned into parts he isn't appropriate for. Same with Johnny Depp. They both lack gravitas.
If someone like Richard Harris or Oliver Reed in their primes were standing in a room with Depp and DiCaprio the gravitas contrast would be self-evident. Would be a fun experiment--run an actor's scene on one side of a screen against a similar one with another actor.

On the Star Wars issue--it seems that these days movies in Hollywood have become a caricature of either Star Wars (many super hero stories are just a Star Wars in disguise) on the high budget front, or Jaws on the low budget front (Sharknado etc).
I like Star Wars but the dialogue is weak. Watch more movies if you think it is good.

I recommend some Terence Fisher Hammer movies for an example of a director who treated sci-fi and horror with an adult sensibility.


When watch the highly over rated Revenant, had this nagging thought in back of mind that seen this story line somewhere before. Now after finding this dvd in second hand store I know where seen it before.


Now that I have seen both I can say they are very different stories and films except for the bear attack. Its odd considering both are based on the same source material. I think to argue that The Revenant is a remake of this is a semantical one though they do not have much in common. From my perspective neither was a great film as I gave both a 6/10.
