Beautiful Film

I was dreading actually viewing this film. I have read numberous books mentioning the film and seen countless online comments that put it high on a pedastal. Therefore, I was all too prepared to be disappointed when I actually saw the film due to it being built up so much previously. (That's just my usual luck.)

I was pleasantly surprised. This film, while not containing as much of the surreal or exploitation factor that I had hoped, was extremely engrossing and entertaining. This film sets a precedent for what a giallo should be.

I subsequently showed it to my friends, who, to my great surprise, loved it. Usually when I show my friends a Fulci movie, they are fascinated at first, but quickly grow bored. This film, I believe, is a great first film for the virgin Fulci viewer. Show it to your friends.


Agreed, been watching as many Fulci films as I can find and I keep going back in his timeline; "A Lizard In Woman's Skin" seems to have made the biggest impact on me. Incredible, beautiful and underrated film. I sure wish they were like this nowadays.

- Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks? -


I give it a 7

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


I agree, I thought it was pretty darn good. The dream sequences were very well done and erotic and terrifying almost in the same vein as Hitchcock (albeit much more bloody and graphic). Honestly though, from my recent delving into Giallo, I would say that I prefer Argento so far--I've seen Suspiria and Deep Red of his and Lizard in a Woman's Skin and Zombi 2 of Fulci's, and I much preferred the genuine scariness of Argento's films and the unbelievably beautiful directing and cinematography. I really want to get more into Fulci and check him out more, got any suggestions?

"1000 years from now, there'll be no guys and no girls, just wankers. Sounds great to me."



Hitchcock erotic?

He makes very good story structured films but always leaves me cold when it comes to acting, emotion and dialogue.

Or did you mean the story?

If you meant the story we are definitely on the same page, only I prefer this to anything Hitcock ever did, because of the reason I provided; Hitchcock's film has no emotional impact on me whatsoever.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities.Virtues can be faked.Depravities are real.Kinski


I sort of see how you can say that. But you don't find Vertigo erotic in any way, or Grace Kelly in Rear Window, or Frenzy? Or how about homo-erotic, yeesh, there's plenty of that! haha.

Great signature, by the way.

But I don't care darling, because I love you, and you've got to let me eat your brains.


Yes you cought me there, I find some of the women in his films somewhat erotic, but then gain I like some of the actresses and would probably find them semi-erotic in anything. I don't think his films are very erotic, though I agree there are some instances; especially of the homo-erotic variant.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities.Virtues can be faked.Depravities are real.Kinski


The opening was astonishing - so much like a dream. All the dream sequences were good as were the use of interiors and the way the buildings were shot. I loved the repitition of long white corridors with doors that won't open too.

Why problem make? When you no problem have, you don't want to make ...


I actually prefer HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY. I took a date to see it in theater in 1984, figuring the violence would be cut down to get an R rating but if anything was trimmed, I couldn't tell. I really think it must've sneaked by the MPAA because the gory scenes did not appear to be cut and the girl I watched it with was totally grossed out and freaking out at how violent it was. This was at a time when the MPAA was very hard on low budget filmmakers, forcing them to cut down graphic violence to not get an X rating.


This was was beautifully directed and competently acted, and the story maintained my attention with every line and frame. 8/10 stars from me.
